
Luke Climenhage Profile Picture

I went to the University of Guelph for my first Undergraduate degree. My program was Biomedical Engineering, which aligned with my interests in medicine, technology and math. While at the University, I realized that I had a passion for creation, which manifested in creating 3 products and 2 startup enterprises.

While working on these projects on the side, I graduated and found employment in the Energy sector, as there were very few biomedical job opportunities in Canada. While I pursued a career in the Energy Management sector for 3 years, I ultimately realized it was not where my career aspirations lay.

I made the decision to go back to school for Computer Science, and graduated from Algoma University in May 2023. I am currently employed at the venture studio arm of RWDI, a world-leading wind and climate engineering firm. At the venture studio, we focus on mobilizing the unique IP that the firm has created in its 50 years of existence to create new climate-focussed applications and products.


Some of the software and technologies I use

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